5 Strategies to grow organically in Social Media

When planned and executed properly, you can reap these benefits of organic social media:

  • Sharing your brand story to a wider audience for free.
  • Establishing your brand’s personality, values, and positioning
  • Building and strengthening connections with your customers and prospects by sharing informative, inspiring, entertaining, and shareable content
  • Engaging with your customers: Supporting your customers with their concerns or questions
  • Cultivating a community surrounding your brand

Develop your focus on creating a Marketing Plan involving your current followers

  • See the Insights, behaviors and stats

When planned and executed properly, you can reap the benefits of organic social media


Posting content on social media to engage with your audience. by sharing informative, inspiring, entertaining, and shareable content. It helps you strengthen your connection with your customers at scale.


Tell your brand story STORYTELLING is big when it comes to relating to each other. Your STORY is important because people are now buying based on the experience, what you bring to the table, your journey.


Increase the interaction so your branding can grow within their own network. Engaging with your customers

Asking questions, polls or even in the stories ask for feedback. Followers love that, and it opens doors to sell as well as to increase your numbers (KPIs)


Cultivating a community surrounding your brand By bringing a community together, you nourish and help within your location Online work brings the offline and online fusion while increasing exposure

For more info, connect with us in Instagram:


Align Business goal to a Facebook Ad Objective

Goals can help you focus on what you want to accomplish with your marketing efforts and help you keep a record of your progress over time. You may already have an idea of what you would like to achieve, but taking the time to write down your goal will help you later when you build your ads. 

ASTA Business video about Facebook for business owners

Goals will vary based on the size and stage of a given business. Sometimes the goal it’s important to your marketing efforts, like:

  • increasing brand awareness
  • or generating leads.

Whatever your goals are, they should be

  • specific
  • measurable
  • achievable
  • relevant
  • time-bound. 

There are three objective categories in Ads Manager. Let’s learn more about them.




  • Awareness: Help generate interest in products or services. Increasing brand awareness is about telling people what makes a business valuable.
  • Consideration: Get people to think about what a business offers and seek more information.  
  • Conversion: Encourage people who are interested in a business to take a specific action, such as filling out a form or making a purchase.

What are Facebook Ads campaign goals and objectives?

  • This campaign goal enables your brand to generate more foot traffic and drive sales at all locations.
  • If your business has a single brick-and-mortar store, use the Reach objective to optimize your ads instead. 
  • When you pick an objective that meets your campaign goalsFacebook Ads automatically optimizes your ads for delivery.

Design your ad with your objective in mind

It’s important to select photos or videos for your ad with your objective in mind to prompt people to take the action you’re looking for.

Consider Facebook ” META for Business” questions when designing your ad:

  • What am I advertising that will help achieve my business goals during the period my ad will run? 
  • What kinds of images, videos and short text can help me achieve my business goals while being presented in the available ad formats?
  • Who are my ads meant for, and how can the creative captivate the audience I’m targeting my ad to?


There are three categories of ad objectives: awareness, consideration and conversion.

  • Awareness: Generate interest in your product or service. 
  • Consideration: Get people to think about your offerings and seek more information about them.
  • Conversion: Encourage people interested in your offerings to buy or use your product or service.

How to Develop a Value Proposition for Your Business

As business owners, we tend to do or perform as best as we could with the tools given. When you start the entrepreneurial world, nobody gives you the keys to the end goal or the way to keep the “eyes on the prize”. In our Small Business Strategy series we will be talking about “Propostion”

What a Business Value Proposition is and why it is important

Value Proposition

Your value proposition is the promise you give to customers that you will deliver something of value to them.

It’s a statement that explains:

(1) the benefit you offer;

(2) who will benefit; and

(3) why you are the best choice to deliver that benefit.

What Is a Value Proposition in Business Development?

As you develop your business, your value proposition defines both the purpose of your business and your relationship with your customers. It should be clear and concise.

To create an effective value proposition, you need to know and understand your target demographic. Ask yourself:

  • Who are your customers?
  • What do they care about?
  • What problem do they have that you can solve?
  • Why are you the best business to solve that problem?
  • What benefit will customers gain from working with you?

Once you understand your customers’ needs and values, you’ll be able to create a value proposition that appeals to them.

How to determine your marketing value proposition?

  • Establish the benefits of your product or service
  • Communicate the value of these benefits
  • Pinpoint a problem a consumer could be facing
  • Relate the problem to the value provided by your product or service

Revisit the Vision Statement

Your business vision statement is the starting point for any business development planning, as it’s the core of your inspiration and motivation.

Evaluate Your Business

This second step of your development plan involves examining the current position of your business. First, the easy part.

  • What are your business’s three best strengths right now?
  • And what are your business’s three areas of weakness?

Use the SWOT diagram to have all these detailed and worked on.

(1) the benefit you offer

Define your customer by getting to know everything you possibly can about him or her. Think carefully about your product or service.

Exactly who would want to purchase it?

prospective customers about:

  • What companies they like
  • What they look for in an industry-specific product or service
  • What type of language resonates with them

(2) who will benefit

Consider what challenges or pain points your customers have and how you are addressing those problems. Think about both the practical and psychological benefits your solution provides.

For example, if you’re a property management firm, you aren’t just buying and selling real estate on behalf of your customers. Hopefully, you also offer specific advice that makes them feel their money is safe and well-invested.Brand messages should be reinforced throughout many – if not all – of the touchpoints in your customer’s journey with your brand.

(3) why you are the best choice to deliver that benefit

Consider what challenges or pain points your customers have and how you are addressing those problems. Think about both the practical and psychological benefits your solution provides.

If you have one, your value proposition should also include your unique selling proposition, or the thing that sets you apart from all of your competitors.

Value Propostion Examples


Shopify’s customer value proposition essentially says that it can do everything you need it to, all on a single platform. This speaks to some of the fundamental needs and concerns of someone who’s starting a new business: it can all get real overwhelming, real fast.

The company’s website says that the platform supports customers “from first sale to full scale,” and features everything you could need to start, sell, market, and manage your business.

To back it all up, those four items have their own page in the website’s main navigation, allowing users to directly explore how Shopify can help with each of those facets of starting, running, and growing a business.


Crossrope is a unique jump rope with a very clear product value proposition. They flat-out say that they’ve perfected the jump rope with “meticulous engineering” and “hours of testing.”

It’s clear that the makers behind the Crossrope have put a lot of work into it, and they clearly explain the elements of their design that make these workout tools unique and high-quality.

The company also has clever names for the two types of Crossrope: the “Get Lean” set and “Get Strong” set. These differentiate the two types while clearly stating the benefit for the customer.

Manitobah Mukluks

Manitobah Mukluks has a more purpose-driven story and brand value proposition than many other ecommerce stores.

On the homepage of the website, you’ll learn that the company is Indigenous-owned, with products that are handmade by Indigenous artists who receive 100% of the proceeds. Throughout the website, the team at Manitobah Mukluks does a great job of weaving the stories of their ancestors throughout the brand’s products.

Nose Dive Aromas confió en nuestro trabajo y ahora junto a Unlocked Coffee Roasters

Imagina, un café acompañado del delicioso aroma de una vela en la mesa.

Como lo que acabas de imaginar en una armónica combinación, así de efectivas son nuestras estrategias de mercadeo en ASTA.

El trabajo en equipo coordina grandes cosas que llevan al éxito y nuestro nuevo cliente Nose Dive Aromas confió en nuestro trabajo y ahora junto a Unlocked Coffee Roasters coordinamos para promover estos dos productos en el mercado.

Sí….estos dos empresarios ahora van de la mano para mejorar sus ventas y ASTA está detrás de todo esto.

No solo el manejo en las Redes Sociales, como Facebook e Instagram, nos caracterizan; también hacer contacto estratégico con negocios que pueden impulsar el tuyo.

La comunidad que confía en ASTA confía también porque ve resultados, tanto a nivel local como internacional. Aunque es claro que hay negocios que por diferentes motivos deben o quieren permanecer locales pero a nivel internacional el apoyo y la rapidez con la que se generan lazos de negocios son importantes y efectivos.

Visita la tienda Unlocked Coffee Roasters fundado por una pareja Colombiana en la ciudad de Greenville en Carolina del Sur!

Como lo describen ellos en Ingles en su pagina web: Unlocked Coffee Roasters es un Start up en Greenville, SC-basado en el proceso de hacer el cafe, y tener un Coffee Shop; enfocado en una alta gama de Cafe especializado donde muestre su lugar de origen.

Producen y distribuyen el cafe Localmente y Nacionalmente, en tiendas (retail) y al por mayor.

El proceso del cafe tostado!

Nacio en el 2018, por Carlos Camargo como CEO y su esposa Rocio Salazar como Co-Owner y Directora de Marketing , nacidos en Colombia, Pais conocido como uno de los mejores importadores y exportadores de Cafe en el mundo!

Inscribete a sus especiales con envios a todo USA https://www.unlockedcoffee.com/pages/subscribe



We use a proprietary blend of coconut apricot and highly refined food grade paraffin wax. Our wax is 100% natural, and was designed to burn slow, and clean.

Utilizamos una mezcla patentada de albaricoque de coco y cera de parafina de grado alimentario altamente refinada. Nuestra cera es 100% natural, y fue diseñada para quemarse lentamente, y limpiamente.

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Consigue un 20% de descuento en tu primera compra y sé el primero en enterarte de los descuentos, nuevos productos, eventos y mucho más.