5 Strategies to grow organically in Social Media

When planned and executed properly, you can reap these benefits of organic social media:

  • Sharing your brand story to a wider audience for free.
  • Establishing your brand’s personality, values, and positioning
  • Building and strengthening connections with your customers and prospects by sharing informative, inspiring, entertaining, and shareable content
  • Engaging with your customers: Supporting your customers with their concerns or questions
  • Cultivating a community surrounding your brand

Develop your focus on creating a Marketing Plan involving your current followers

  • See the Insights, behaviors and stats

When planned and executed properly, you can reap the benefits of organic social media


Posting content on social media to engage with your audience. by sharing informative, inspiring, entertaining, and shareable content. It helps you strengthen your connection with your customers at scale.


Tell your brand story STORYTELLING is big when it comes to relating to each other. Your STORY is important because people are now buying based on the experience, what you bring to the table, your journey.


Increase the interaction so your branding can grow within their own network. Engaging with your customers

Asking questions, polls or even in the stories ask for feedback. Followers love that, and it opens doors to sell as well as to increase your numbers (KPIs)


Cultivating a community surrounding your brand By bringing a community together, you nourish and help within your location Online work brings the offline and online fusion while increasing exposure

For more info, connect with us in Instagram:


Tik Tok : Hashtags Mistakes

Let’s Talk about the hype about Tik Tok and what will bring to your business if you open the channel, continue making video content or simply for your personal use..

Hashtags are rightfully considered an integral part of Tik Tok advertising campaigns. Using the right keywords and hashtags provide an effective option for new viewers, Hook or keep your current clients on the experience and increase the channel’s reach.

The main trick is to avoid mistakes when adding hashtags.

Some Tiktok hashtags best practices that help growth

  • Assess your niche. Before launching into the tagging party on TikTok, review your niche, read their posts, watch videos and see what hashtags are used. 
  • Review your competitors and see what tags they are using.
  • With these ideas, you can create a custom hashtag around your content and encourage your followers to use the hashtags in resharing more like doing a hashtag challenge and hopefully gaining more views and followers.
  • Make sure that the hashtags relate to your content and campaign. Many content creators fail to focus on their consumers, specially when a trend is in. Not everythign works for your Ideal Client.
  • Please keep it simple to enable memorizing. When it is too long and complex, it is hard to understand and might not trend.

The most Common TikTok Hashtags Mistakes

 Using too many hashtags 

Using too many hashtags breeds confusion and misdirection and hinders your ideal audience from finding you.

As a rule, use niche-based, and community-based hashtags. Use hashtags in moderation. Under one video, it is enough to add 5-8 hashtags that really work for your page (you can track the effectiveness of tags in the statistics of the TikTok account) and are relevant to the topic of your video. Additionally, ensure that the hashtags are related to your content/brand before using them on your video(s).

Using high-frequency hashtags 

Hashtags can be divided into three categories when it comes to their ‘frequency’.

  • High-frequency – hashtags with over 100 thousand views per each.
  • Mid-range – they gain from 10 to 100 thousand views.
  • Low-frequency tags are rarely used in TikTok (they have up to 10 thousand views).

Failing to use hashtags popular in your industry

Popular hashtags are always the most used hashtags on TikTok. By specifying relevant tags in the TikTok search field, you will immediately find your competitors. This will come in handy when looking for new video ideas, as well as strengthening your marketing strategy.

Marketers often tend to limit their content to only trendy hashtags, undermining the impact of community-centered hashtags.

So, ensure you use hashtags that other entrepreneurs in your niche use to reach your target audience.

Using only trending hashtags

Why limit yourself to trends?

It’s easy to think you have to use only trending hashtags, especially when you’re new on TikTok.

Even though trending hashtags may bring some traffic to your profile, it may limit the chances of your desired brand audience finding you.

Instead, use a mix of trending hashtags and more hashtags that relate to your brand.

Lost Message for your Sales Plan

The TikTok audience discovers new content by hashtags because they are an important source of traffic for any channel.

The viewers you attract are potential clients of your company. 

Hashtags help filter your videos, making them be easily found by your target audience. Search suggestions are made based on which words a user entered into the search bar. If your tagged content is relevant, you get additional views.

Thinking hashtags guarantee success

Hashtags will not do everything for you, it’s not magic.

Even the right selection of tags is not a guarantee of popularity and success on the platform. Content and quality play a decisive role.


¿Para qué sirve cambiar la tipografía de tu perfil o publicaciones de Instagram?

Seguramente has visto otros perfiles de Instagram que tienen diferentes tipografías y que llamaron tu atención porque lucen diferentes.

Eso se debe a que una tipografía puede hablar mucho sobre tu marca, tu personalidad o incluso tu estilo

Elegir la tipografía de tu perfil o de tus publicaciones en Instagram te ayudará a que luzcan originales y a destacar entre los demás.

Aplicaciones para cambiar la tipografía de Instagram en stories

El blog Hubspot nos recomienda algunas aplicaciones muy interesantes para editar nuestros stories. 

  1. Mojito: cuenta con más de 50 posibilidades.
  2. Unfold: si te gusta ser original y creativo, esta es tu app. Editar historias y collages con diferentes tipos de fuentes, plantillas, diseños y filtros. 
  3. Hype Type: Si lo que quieres es un toque de animación para la tipografía que selecciones, esta aplicación es la ideal.
  4. Word Swag: esta app contiene un catálogo de tipografías muy variado, en el que encontrarás una fuente óptima para tu mensaje. 
  5. Fonts Keyboard: Este teclado de fuentes es ideal para escribir un texto en alguna de tus próximas publicaciones de Instagram con una tipografía original. Su instalación es muy sencilla: solo sigue las instrucciones de la aplicación y listo. 
  6. Cool Fonts: Si deseas resaltar algún campo especial en tus publicaciones, con esta app lo harás muy fácilmente. Contiene más de 60 fuentes compatibles con todo tipo de plataformas sociales y dispositivos. Así nadie se quedará sin ver la originalidad de tu mensaje. 
  7. Text Designer: Esta aplicación es muy fácil de usar y cuenta con más de 50 tipos de letras gratuitas para elegir. Entre estas opciones se encuentran: dactilógrafos, símbolos, ornamentos, flechas, corazones y muchas más. 

Elige un generador de fuentes para Instagram

Hay varios sitios que tienen una gran gama de fuentes. Estos son algunos de los generadores que puedes encontrar. Es importante aclarar que estas herramientas son para PC y no para dispositivos móviles. 

Si bien todos cumplen la misma función, Meta Tags permite una visualización previa de la fuente. Así puedes comprobar desde el principio si te gusta cómo se ve cierta tipografía. Esta es la app que utilizaremos como ejemplo para mostrarte cómo cambiar la letra en Instagram. 

Escribe el texto que deseas modificar en la herramienta

Una vez que estés dentro de la herramienta solo debes escribir el texto que quieres modificar en la casilla de «Edit text». Tal como aparece en la imagen siguiente: 

Cómo cambiar la letra en Instagram desde Meta Tags

Ejemplos del cambio de tipografía en Instagram 

Como has podido notar, cambiar la tipografía en Instagram hace lucir las publicaciones de una empresa. Las cuentas que te compartimos a continuación lo saben y lo están aprovechando muy bien. 

1. Ohana

Este bazar de emprendedores ha hecho una distinción en su nombre de perfil al usar una tipografía diferente en Instagram. Como puedes ver, esta es una buena opción para destacar aspectos más importantes o lo que deseas que se quede en la mente de los usuarios. 

Ejemplo de cambio de tipografía en Instagram

Imagen de Ohana Córdoba

2. Luna Diaria Mx

Cambiar la tipografía en Instagram puede ayudar a que tu cuenta tenga una imagen más característica o «aesthetic». Este negocio de venta de accesorios sin duda ha logrado una buena combinación de dos fuentes diferentes para lograr un aspecto muy singular y relevante a su sector. 

Ejemplo de cambio de letra en Instagram

Imagen de Luna Diaria Mx

3. María Bonita 

Esta tienda de ropa en línea, además de cambiar el tipo de letra en Instagram, también optó por hacer uso de emojis para distinguir cada línea de texto. Es algo completamente útil para los usuarios, pues les permite dar una vista rápida de los elementos que podrían estar buscando. 

Ejemplo de cambio de fuente en Instagram

Imagen de María Bonita

4. Aura Espinosa 

La artista y tatuadora Aura Espinosa también ha optado por cambiar la letra para una parte del texto de su presentación, para resaltar su profesión y especialización. Además, la tipografía que eligió es muy acorde con su actividad. 

Ejemplo cambio de tipografía en Instagram

Do you need a business Card or a better way to follow up with clients?

As a digital Marketing agency, this is a big question we try to answer….

Business cards….


It’s a huge topic thta goes back to the stone age, or depending on the way you do business.

We sell Digital.

We maintain Digital platforms and feed into your Offline world.. but we are also believers of the local perspective.. the one to one sessions and NETWORKING!

How Can You Show Your Value in Your Life Coaching Business Cards?

Your business card is your chance to make an impression and demonstrate the value you provide to your clients.

Here’s how to do it.

  • Say what you do for your clients
    • We have incredibly fickle attention spans, and there are hundreds of messages and businesses trying to turn our heads each day.
  • List the services you offer
    • If you have room, list some of the primary services you offer … For example:
      • – One-on-one life coaching
      • – Six-month transformation package
      • – Women’s empowerment group package
      • – In-person soul retreatsLeave some space on the card for notes.
      • This is a great tip—especially if you know you’ll be attending many networking events in the future.


Always use your Social Media channel to showcase your Online side as well. Complimentary to your business Cards usage

  • Make yourself memorable
    • Here are some creative ideas to make you and your business card stand out from the pack:
      • Include a professional photo of yourself
        • (photos of you doing tequila shots at the bar will not work, sorry).
        • The coach side of you, leave it for the one to one. Always look professional no matter your field of work.
      • Choose a non-conventional size or shape for your card (don’t make it too big, though).
        • Ours has round edges
        • Thick paper
        • Different formats stands out
      • Make it a magnet that can stick to the fridge with an inspiring message on the front.
      • Design it as a postcard or bookmark.
      • Use foil lettering to make it sparkle in the light.
      • Play with striking colors, patterns, and textures.
  • Include a call to action
    • Before you design your life coach business cards, think about what you want the receiver of your card to do.
    • What action do you want them to take?
      • Next step—tell them! #SocialMedia offers are the best tool, that way you monetize your onlien presence!
      • -Your gift could be an ebook,
      • – a 20-minute discovery call with you,
      • – a discount on one of your packages for a limited time only,
      • – a cheat-sheet or workbook.

How to Develop a Value Proposition for Your Business

As business owners, we tend to do or perform as best as we could with the tools given. When you start the entrepreneurial world, nobody gives you the keys to the end goal or the way to keep the “eyes on the prize”. In our Small Business Strategy series we will be talking about “Propostion”

What a Business Value Proposition is and why it is important

Value Proposition

Your value proposition is the promise you give to customers that you will deliver something of value to them.

It’s a statement that explains:

(1) the benefit you offer;

(2) who will benefit; and

(3) why you are the best choice to deliver that benefit.

What Is a Value Proposition in Business Development?

As you develop your business, your value proposition defines both the purpose of your business and your relationship with your customers. It should be clear and concise.

To create an effective value proposition, you need to know and understand your target demographic. Ask yourself:

  • Who are your customers?
  • What do they care about?
  • What problem do they have that you can solve?
  • Why are you the best business to solve that problem?
  • What benefit will customers gain from working with you?

Once you understand your customers’ needs and values, you’ll be able to create a value proposition that appeals to them.

How to determine your marketing value proposition?

  • Establish the benefits of your product or service
  • Communicate the value of these benefits
  • Pinpoint a problem a consumer could be facing
  • Relate the problem to the value provided by your product or service

Revisit the Vision Statement

Your business vision statement is the starting point for any business development planning, as it’s the core of your inspiration and motivation.

Evaluate Your Business

This second step of your development plan involves examining the current position of your business. First, the easy part.

  • What are your business’s three best strengths right now?
  • And what are your business’s three areas of weakness?

Use the SWOT diagram to have all these detailed and worked on.

(1) the benefit you offer

Define your customer by getting to know everything you possibly can about him or her. Think carefully about your product or service.

Exactly who would want to purchase it?

prospective customers about:

  • What companies they like
  • What they look for in an industry-specific product or service
  • What type of language resonates with them

(2) who will benefit

Consider what challenges or pain points your customers have and how you are addressing those problems. Think about both the practical and psychological benefits your solution provides.

For example, if you’re a property management firm, you aren’t just buying and selling real estate on behalf of your customers. Hopefully, you also offer specific advice that makes them feel their money is safe and well-invested.Brand messages should be reinforced throughout many – if not all – of the touchpoints in your customer’s journey with your brand.

(3) why you are the best choice to deliver that benefit

Consider what challenges or pain points your customers have and how you are addressing those problems. Think about both the practical and psychological benefits your solution provides.

If you have one, your value proposition should also include your unique selling proposition, or the thing that sets you apart from all of your competitors.

Value Propostion Examples


Shopify’s customer value proposition essentially says that it can do everything you need it to, all on a single platform. This speaks to some of the fundamental needs and concerns of someone who’s starting a new business: it can all get real overwhelming, real fast.

The company’s website says that the platform supports customers “from first sale to full scale,” and features everything you could need to start, sell, market, and manage your business.

To back it all up, those four items have their own page in the website’s main navigation, allowing users to directly explore how Shopify can help with each of those facets of starting, running, and growing a business.


Crossrope is a unique jump rope with a very clear product value proposition. They flat-out say that they’ve perfected the jump rope with “meticulous engineering” and “hours of testing.”

It’s clear that the makers behind the Crossrope have put a lot of work into it, and they clearly explain the elements of their design that make these workout tools unique and high-quality.

The company also has clever names for the two types of Crossrope: the “Get Lean” set and “Get Strong” set. These differentiate the two types while clearly stating the benefit for the customer.

Manitobah Mukluks

Manitobah Mukluks has a more purpose-driven story and brand value proposition than many other ecommerce stores.

On the homepage of the website, you’ll learn that the company is Indigenous-owned, with products that are handmade by Indigenous artists who receive 100% of the proceeds. Throughout the website, the team at Manitobah Mukluks does a great job of weaving the stories of their ancestors throughout the brand’s products.

Why do you need a marketing plan?

ASTA will give you reasons why you should start now!

You might be thinking, why do I need a marketing plan for my business? Is it that important? Anyone can create a marketing plan.

It doesn’t have to be complicated and can even be written on one page if that’s what works for you!

Why is it important?

A marketing plan, will help you grow your business in a much faster and more effective way. Having a marketing plan will also improve your wellbeing as you become a more organised and in control business owner.

It enables better time management.

Planning might not be your thing, but it makes managing your time so much easier.

Here are three reasons why the Marketing plan will help you grow exponentially:

  1. A marketing plan provides valuable structure and time efficiencies.

The marketing plan provides valuable structure and time efficiencies to run your business smoothly.

It enables you to find opportunities to batch produce and repurpose your content. As well as schedule your activities in advance and delegate marketing tasks to others. Your team or employees will thank you for it!

These are all fantastic ways to get back the time you need to run your business. Focusing in client acquisition, customer service and even releasing new products!

2. More effective use of your marketing budget

For service-based businesses, it’s common for sales to be a bit up and down. Your sales flunctuate depending on the season, the high volume of expenditure, the market and even what social emdia has a hyped about!

Yes…. whatever we see in social media, the consumer will see and will buy!

So you need to be on top of whats happening, but at the same time follow your plan in order to focus and out of the moment sales opportunities you can get towards your clients.

If you know you’re going to be busy, you can turn off your advertising campaign. And then turn it back on again just before your business starts to drop off.

Spending strategically evens out your lead generation, and your marketing return on investment improves.

3. Increase trust and attract your dream clients

You’ll be more focused on what your dream client wants to hear. This is called “your niche”. What your ideal client is and will be . In marketing is the Buyer Persona- the ideal client who will pay for the service or items in the price thta you need to sell it for.

When you have a content marketing plan for how you want to show up in front of your target market, it will ensure consistency, and this creates a clear message for your target market.

Consistency, branding and strategy are key concepts fro your marketing plan and to really see the product of it. The more organized, detailed and scheduled… the more results you will see.

It also avoids any confusion about what you stand for and what your brand represents.

The organization will allow you also to measure the results! which is very imprtant, since you cannot know if something is working or not, if you dont have a way to measure it.

If you have any questions or comments, ASTA business is here for you!

La Importancia del Contenido que genere Confianza

La gente comparte, lee e interactúa más con el contenido procedente de personas que conoce y en las que confía.

Para que tus clientes tengan un alto nivel de confianza necesitan recibir contenido que les aporte gran valor

  • tanto a sus negocios
  • como en su vida personal
  • para sus familiares
  • para compartir con sus conocidos y amigos

Tu empresa debe contar con estrategias digitales que permitan retener su atención y así lograr el interés por tus productos o servicios.

Te motivamos a buscar si aplicas alguna de estas herramientas para ganar la confianza y atención en tus clientes:

  1. Storytelling: Te permite conectar de manera emocional y así humanizar tu marca
  2. Testimonios: Generan credibilidad, muestran empatía y el lado positivo de tu negocio.
  3. Certificaciones/Actualizaciones: Incrementa tu reputación, demuestra calidad profesional y te brinda una ventaja competitiva

¿Ya utilizas alguna de estas herramientas? ¿Qué otras técnicas has implementado para ganar confianza en tus clientes?

Si no, conectate con ASTA business en las redes sociales @ASTABusiness .

Nuestro libro te da las pautas de como en 30 dias puedes poner tu marca, productos o negocio a producir financieramente lo que tanto buscas!

Escrito por Odalys Gomez : Colaboración de estrategia y Business – ASTA business y EmpreHispana Business.

Stop Wasting funds on SEO without knowing these 5 tips.

Many business owners and new start-ups really believe they know the true meaning of “SEO.” But quality SEO requires a solid investment of time, research, financial resources, and (sometimes) a big buy-in to see real results.

Photo by Fancycrave on Unsplash

What many do not understand, is the long term results that great SEO can drive into your business and marketing strategy.

Even the best-intended, most perfectly-executed campaigns can get derailed or just don’t work out as we planned. Many organizations waste costly financial resources in this area. SEO is clearly important for today’s business, but it is not essential and not worth the allocation of budget, unless you are willing to do this one SIMPLE thing:


Many organizations or companies should prioritize their business vision and strategies in order for them to ma,ke the wise decisions to make it through. The economics of the area or the product fluctuates according to many factors. There as business owners, they should plan for the worst hoping for the best… but always with a strategy in place!

1. Define Clear Goals.

Clear and defined goals help everyone in an organization or corporation perform at their very best. The peak of perfection hits when all contributors are working on the same page, at the same moment.

The reality is that not every SEO professional and business owner is using the same set of metrics and blueprints. Some start slowly down one strategical path, while others jump head-first in the opposite direction.

The relationships among the content team should foster clarity, proactivity, and consistency. There can be no one-way streets. As the founder of ASTA, I have learned quite well the cadence and fluidity necessary between small business owners and the agency.

Some business owners lack the knowledge or the patience to see content creation as a business transaction – one that requires a lot of education and mutual support from each partner. ASTA is an expert, but that expertise comes along with years of experience, a commitment to communication, a clear vision with each business, and most importantly, good interpersonal relationships with all business owners.

2. Define Roles.

Collaborating efficiently can be one of the biggest challenges to moving your SEO efforts forward effectively. Roles should be clearly defined in order to get the most out of every strategy meeting and goal.

Photo by You X Ventures on Unsplash

Incorrectly or loosely defined roles, where pertains to copy writing, SEO strategy, web updates, social media management, and project management can result in detrimental financial losses for business or nonprofit owners.

It’s important to know who will be responsible for each piece of the puzzle, what each step entails, and the full scope of work for the campaign or business. If you choose a company like ASTA, great! Most likely you will meet the team first, then have strategic meetings and reviews every quarter in order to establish subsequent deadlines, review scope of work and strategy, and deep dive into metrics – aka results! And with everyone on the same page!

3. Work with a plan.

Smart business owners must take the time to develop a plan to ensure open lines of communications, strategic analysis and pivoting, and timely receipt and review of reporting to stay on top of what’s working and what’s not.

ASTA Business

As a business owner, great focus should be devoted to building a workable plan with concise but thorough details for action: the strategy. SEO strategies and processes change constantly. The goal is to get a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) out the door and get to the business of monitoring the impact on metrics.

Once you are armed with data, you can move forward. Being able to show the impact to KPI can help you get the buy-in for the resources you need.

Developing an agile SEO strategy will involve incremental iteration and the breaking down of complex and overachieving projects into small, frequent changes. This will enable you to properly measure continual progress.

This approach will result in better results and increased authority. Again, your plan must have the space and flexibility to constantly change according to what is working at the moment. For this reason, it is critical for your development team and business owner to be on the same page at all times.


Content – for websites, social media, or even for your marketing e-blasts – is a crucial part of the successful strategy puzzle. Content is the fuel for your SEO engine!

Many businesses struggle to run SEO projects for their clients where there is no defined resource for content or where the resource is defined, but the requests for content are not processed in a timely manner.

Business owners should be aware of the challenges and workarounds. It is easy to jump into an SEO agreement or spend time on campaigns that end up in overwork, double-work, or lost work, in the name of hitting marketing goals.

No one wants to spend $15,000 on a dead-end SEO project – say, a website or social media management project that ends up costing $25,000 to recoop.

Clarify the costs upfront, budget for them, and decide where your priorities lie. Not all decisions should be based on ranking or website design. There are many other ways to achieve your marketing goals!

5. Practice updated strategies and tactics.

Don’t feel compelled to “do SEO”. That typically leads to forced tactics and often actions that are misguided or no longer impactful.

If a company tries to sell you outdated or spam-like tactics as “strategy,” take a moment to look around, do your research, and align your current best practices to what your business or product needs.

Time, energy, and financial resources can be lost in no time by focusing on narrow or outdated SEO practices.

SEO has gone through extensive evolutionary changes over the years, and continues to do so every day.

While most traditional marketing tactics (for the most part) still hold true in digital marketing today, SEO changes have quite drastically changed the landscape.

Webmasters and “marketers” continue to misunderstand the role of keywords in general SEO initiatives. Some of these outdated practices are:

  • Metadata that is not properly aligned with the keywords represented, or the proper intent of the users conducting the searches for the high-volume keywords being targeted.
  • Google no longer relies on keyword density.
  • Writing for a specific “keyword density,” like many keyword-focused marketing tactics, is just missing the mark.
  • Loading up web-pages with keywords — especially the same high-value keyword we are aggressively targeting throughout the website — is going to help us show up higher in search, thus outranking our competition? No!
  • Write for humans, not search engine crawlers or any other robot. Search engines are advanced enough to understand repeated keywords, their variations, and the unfavorable experience of generally bad content.

SEO entails a lot of work, research, and resources that an established company should be investing in already. That doesn’t mean every start-up should set aside other priorities to focus resources here. But if you do, always look for professionals who can bring you knowledge, resources, and and a broad overview of current practices and strategies to help you determine the best way for you to get the most out of your budget.

If you need more information, write us below. We would love to hear your thoughts!

For more on…


Diana C Ariza

Entrepreneur & Startups | Social Media |Non-Profit| Mom | Disabilities Advocate | Emprendedora | Nurse | www.ASTAbusiness.com

Nose Dive Aromas confió en nuestro trabajo y ahora junto a Unlocked Coffee Roasters

Imagina, un café acompañado del delicioso aroma de una vela en la mesa.

Como lo que acabas de imaginar en una armónica combinación, así de efectivas son nuestras estrategias de mercadeo en ASTA.

El trabajo en equipo coordina grandes cosas que llevan al éxito y nuestro nuevo cliente Nose Dive Aromas confió en nuestro trabajo y ahora junto a Unlocked Coffee Roasters coordinamos para promover estos dos productos en el mercado.

Sí….estos dos empresarios ahora van de la mano para mejorar sus ventas y ASTA está detrás de todo esto.

No solo el manejo en las Redes Sociales, como Facebook e Instagram, nos caracterizan; también hacer contacto estratégico con negocios que pueden impulsar el tuyo.

La comunidad que confía en ASTA confía también porque ve resultados, tanto a nivel local como internacional. Aunque es claro que hay negocios que por diferentes motivos deben o quieren permanecer locales pero a nivel internacional el apoyo y la rapidez con la que se generan lazos de negocios son importantes y efectivos.

Visita la tienda Unlocked Coffee Roasters fundado por una pareja Colombiana en la ciudad de Greenville en Carolina del Sur!

Como lo describen ellos en Ingles en su pagina web: Unlocked Coffee Roasters es un Start up en Greenville, SC-basado en el proceso de hacer el cafe, y tener un Coffee Shop; enfocado en una alta gama de Cafe especializado donde muestre su lugar de origen.

Producen y distribuyen el cafe Localmente y Nacionalmente, en tiendas (retail) y al por mayor.

El proceso del cafe tostado!

Nacio en el 2018, por Carlos Camargo como CEO y su esposa Rocio Salazar como Co-Owner y Directora de Marketing , nacidos en Colombia, Pais conocido como uno de los mejores importadores y exportadores de Cafe en el mundo!

Inscribete a sus especiales con envios a todo USA https://www.unlockedcoffee.com/pages/subscribe



We use a proprietary blend of coconut apricot and highly refined food grade paraffin wax. Our wax is 100% natural, and was designed to burn slow, and clean.

Utilizamos una mezcla patentada de albaricoque de coco y cera de parafina de grado alimentario altamente refinada. Nuestra cera es 100% natural, y fue diseñada para quemarse lentamente, y limpiamente.

Get 20% off your first purchase and be the first to hear about discounts, new products, events and more!


Consigue un 20% de descuento en tu primera compra y sé el primero en enterarte de los descuentos, nuevos productos, eventos y mucho más.

Spotlight” Business : Bill Fitzpatrick & Preservation SC

With an MBA from USC, 15 years with AT&T, and a tech background, Bill Fitzpatrick might not seem like the kind of guy who would dedicate years of his life to the preservation of small-town religious sites in South Carolina…but he is. And thank goodness!

When given the opportunity to take a few years away from the business world, Bill began a journey of exploration and research that quickly ignited a passion for history, travel, photography, and literature that had been growing since his childhood. This wasn’t his first tour – he once rode his bike across the country with a friend “just for the heck of it” and had already published several books and columns on travel and small-town America.

Having lived in Charleston, Columbia, and now Greenville, South Carolina, Bill admits that he “never much thought of the history or people that are in places like Abbeville, Cheraw, or Daufuskie.” But as he traveled, he realized that “too many of these places that were once the center of every community and so much of our history are now at risk,” without any support from the government and very limited economic support from mainstream religious denominations.

What began as a hobby – visiting, photographing, and learning about forgotten historic landmarks – turned into a dozen stories for the National Trust for Historic Preservation and a 264-page coffee table book. People were so enamored with his “scrapbook” that he was soon looking for avenues to share his work. That’s when he found Mike Bedenbaugh and Preservation SC. A newly-created Sacred Spaces Fund and 1,000 copies later, Bill’s book South Carolina’s Sacred Spaces is now in its second printing! Proceeds from the book are already helping save these precious sites, like the major steeple renovation happening now at Trinity of Abbeville. The communities and congregations who love these spaces are forever grateful to Bill and his work with Preservation SC. And so are we.

“Bill has given us a sacred book and one for the ages.”

-Tom Poland, Author, recipient of the 2018 “Order of the Palmetto”

“What Bill Fitzpatrick and Mike Bedenbaugh and Preservation South Carolina are trying to do in the 21st century is help to preserve the texture and the spirit of rural South Carolina. Whether it’s the Lower Long Cane Presbyterian Church or Trinity Episcopal Church in Abbeville, these buildings reflect generations of communities; communities which are beginning to disappear…”

-Dr. Walter Edgar, “Walter Edgar’s Journal”