Descuento temporal según el Neuromarketing..

Daniel Kahneman en el 2002 ganó un premio nobel en el área de la psicología, ya que aportó al “Análisis del Comportamiento en situaciones de Riesgo e incertidumbre”.

Nos podemos dar cuenta con estudio de la importancia de la economía, la psicología y como van de la mano para la “Toma de decisiones”, como el consumidor se comporta según el riesgo que quiere tomar, o peor aún, o mejor para las empresas publicitarias- que su comportamiento sae base en su buena campaña publicitaria donde el convencimiento y la psicología detrás de estas campanas influyan completamente en al decisión de comprar o usar sus productos.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

Por ejemplo, en USA siempre ha habido una conmoción con lo que es el tener el último modelo celular. El ultimo iPhone, el Ultimo blackberry, el ultimo samsung….etc.

Las compañías celulares apuesta por tener el mercado más cubierto y en épocas de lanzamiento de un nuevo aparato, lanzan de las mejores campanas para así… nosotros los consumidores, creamos la necesidad de lo que es estar en contrato con ellos , para si tener el último modelo de celular.

En Marzo 2020 Las ofertas iPhone 11 y 11 Pro más baratas se lanzaron: “Puedes conseguir $700 de descuento en tu iPhone 11 cuando mueves tu número actual a AT&T o $500 cuando cambias a AT&T con un número nuevo. Tienes que comprar el iPhone con un contrato compatible e intercambiar tu celular actual por el iPhone 11. El descuento se hace efectivo durante 30 meses.” — iPhone 11 en T-Mobile |T-Mobile está ofreciendo el iPhone 11 gratis con créditos de descuento aplicables durante un contrato de 24 meses. Tienes que entregar un iPhone aceptable según sus normas y activar hasta cuatro líneas de voz para conseguirlo.

Photo by Ben Kolde on Unsplash

Que es el descuento temporal?

Según Verdejo-Garcia y Perez-Garcia se basa en la hipótesis del marcador somático de Damasio, donde se explica que las Emociones en el razonamiento y la toma de las decisiones, tienen afectación de la corteza prefrontal ventromedial, la ínsula, la amígdala y el estriado anterior.

Estos hallazgos científicos y de psicología, nos ayuda a entender cómo las publicaciones, los Ads, las campañas publicitarias, deben llegar al consciente y subconsciente, para así crear esa “necesidad” del consumidor de tener el último modelo de algo. En este caso, el último modelo de celular, crear la necesidad de tener la mejor cámara, el mejor video, la última resolución en pantalla y hasta aplicaciones que un usuario regular no “necesita” … pero por encajar en las últimas tendencias de la sociedad, entonces si se crea esta necesidad y obligación de tener lo último según las empresas de Apple, samsung y blackberry promueven.


Tener el último aparato celular, usar sus últimos upgrades y ser de los pocos que disfruten de sus últimas tendencias, aplicaciones y mejoramientos en cuestión de software.

Obtienen un aparato que les gusta, que les “conviene” y pagan el precio que sea.Nos incluimos en esa ola de consumidores, trabaje en Apple en Aventura, FL y la pasión por la tecnología y tener lo último en tendencia, no por moda ni por lujo, sino porque realmente lo uso, me ha creado una costumbre de siempre obtener cada celular que el Apple saca. Así que llego un día, en el que mis hijos vieron mi cajon, con todo tipo de iPhones, y me hizo caer en cuenta hasta qué punto me mezcle con todo este consumismo norteamericano. Les confieso que claro que lo he usado, lo he aprovechado y siempre ha sido para trabajo y obviamente para mejorar mi vida diaria, pero a qué precio?


Mi punto de vista es la gran pérdida de tiempo en establecer esta relación con un aparato es la que más me marca. Una necesidad y una costumbre la cual ya no comparto.

Pérdida en cuestión monetaria ya que, imaginenese cambiando de celular cada dos anos. Acabas de invertir en un celular de $600. Lo pagas mensual con tu compañía celular en USA, tan solo pagan $30 más mensual. La inflación, y el costo de APR por esa pequeña facilidad, fácilmente pagas el doble del precio normal. Estamos perdiendo miles y miles de dolares en cuestión de tan solo 4 años. Y comenzamos de nuevo, cuando sale el otro celular. Pagamos mensualidades, y terminamos de pagarlo en 3 años, pero bajo qué condiciones?

Función ejecutiva

Según Lezak la función ejecutiva es la capacidad mental esencial para llevar a cabo una conducta EFICAZ, CREATIVA y Aceptada SOCIALMENTE.Planificación y ejecución ante decisiones de la vida cotidiana, las cuales son interrumpidas o alteradas cuando somos bombardeados de tanta publicidad, que intenta vender el hecho de que “necesitamos” de tener el ultimo celular para poder “vivir”.

En este caso de descuento temporal, lo que es “socialmente aceptado” es que consumamos estos productos, gastemos de forma liberada, y obtengamos lo ultimo en celulares… sin importar la deuda a largo plazo, el costo que estamos financiando y al punto que nos puede afectar en vez de ayudar. Ya los aparatos celulares no se toman como un lujo, o una facilidad para nuestras vidas… sino como una “necesidad básica” para poder trabajar, estudiar y hacer nuestra rutina diaria.

Photo by Neil Soni on Unsplash

Ya que debemos contar con el data, el internet, conectarnos a apps para estar actualizados y ser bombardeados diariamente con muchas propagandas que retroalimentarán esta función ejecutiva de manera errónea; ya que muchos creen que no pueden desarrollar sus función ejecutiva sin tener la tecnología en mano.


Según Jorge Suárez en su artículo: Cada vez que tomamos una decisión (con mayores y/o menores niveles de conciencia ), lo hacemos en el presente (durante un tiempo X) con una orientación hacia un tiempo futuro donde se desarrollarán consecuencias que, en diversos grados, mantendrán relación con esa decisión.

El tiempo está presente en toda toma de decisión, aunque no se tenga conciencia de ello.

La percepción del tiempo adquiere entonces, un rol importante en la toma de decisiones ya que cada vez que se toma una decisión se prioriza una opción en relación a otras en función de una evaluación de las consecuencias asociadas a ella en un futuro (inmediato o lejano).

Non-profit Spotlight: The Children’s Museum of the Upstate


Ignite a community of compassionate problem solvers
through intentional and inclusive play.

The Children’s Museum of the Upstate, a Smithsonian Affiliate, opened in 2009 to provide an inclusive, explorative space for children across the Upstate to learn, play, and connect with the community.

With a main location in downtown Greenville and a satellite young-learner space in Spartanburg, TCMU’s high-touch model has met extreme and unique challenges with the onset and spread of COVID-19.

Nonetheless, in the true spirit of creative problem-solving, the museum staff and leadership have truly lived up to their mission to “create a world where no barrier is bigger than a dream.” 

With a deep desire to provide continuous service to the community, TCMU immediately pivoted in response to the viral threat by moving to digital storytime and clubhouse activities via Social Media, mobile birthday parties, and online resources.  

In accordance with CDC guidelines, summer camps were scaled back to allow for social distancing, with the highest priority on cleaning and sanitation. These health and safety regulations were developed, tested and adjusted as needed, all while remaining responsive to culture movements and providing allyship with the community. 

The good news?

The hard work, thoughtfulness and research has paid off. TCMU reopened to the public on July 7th.

As you can imagine, though the Museum is open, things do look a little different to ensure the health and safety of all visitors:   
  • Masks are required for all adult visitors
  • Masks are encouraged, but optional, for children
  • TCMU staff are required to wear masks at all times and have their temperatures taken upon arrival to the museum  
  • New sanitizing wipe stations have been installed throughout the museum 
  • Frequent sanitation and cleaning schedules have been implemented
  • High-touch toys and props have been reduced on the museum floor, and various exhibitions that are deemed difficult to keep safe have been closed

But there is no less fun, learning, and creativity to be explored at TCMU! As a non-profit, TCMU depends on donations and entry fees to continue to provide this invaluable resource to the Upstate community. If you are unable to visit, you can donate in any amount here. Or, if you are able, beat the South Carolina heat and take a young mind (or two) to TCMU for one of the best experiences in the Upstate!   

Hours of operation:

T-F: 10-3;

Sat: 10-5;

Sun: 11-5 



TCMU seeks to ignite a community of compassionate problem solvers through intentional and exclusive play and create a world where no barrier is bigger than a dream!

Information/Sales: 864-233-7755 

What does it mean to be “Intentional,” and why is it so important right now? – Part 1

Birds are singing (and we can actually hear them!), the sun is HAWT, and the pool is still cool. For just a moment, things might actually feel normal. And boy, do we love it. We are all searching for normalcy, the familiar, the predictable. “Regular life” is at a premium and people are risking big to attain it. But, as small businesses, we can’t afford that risk. 

Everything that we do – from budgeting, to staffing, to allocations and strategy – must be intentional. That includes Marketing…maybe the most important expense we have right now. To be intentional, we must assign measurable, trackable metrics for each effort, especially where there is a real cost. 

But it’s not enough to be thoughtful about your movements. Being intentional without review is like trying on clothes without looking in a mirror – you might be able to feel your way through, but you won’t know if it really works…or if the sales lady is just being nice. Without a thorough and manageable ROI analysis cycle, your carefully targeted marketing efforts could cost you much more than you realize.


Measuring ROI (Return on Investment) shouldn’t require a BS in Microsoft Excel, but you do need some math and a great deal of honesty. The temptation is to leave out expenses that seem inconsequential, but those little expenses can add up and eventually move the needle. For those math geeks out there, Increased Margin DollarsIncreased Expenses must = Positive New Revenue. If you are not profiting from your efforts, you need to shift gears.

Increased Margin DollarsIncreased Expenses

= Positive New Revenue

Increased Margin Dollars

To calculate any increase or decrease in margin (profit), you need to start with the average sales for the period and/or sales channel. Again – here’s where you need to be clear and honest with your comparison. Do you look at the same dates from last year? Do you look at the same weekdays from last week? Do you look month over month? Compare Web Sales to Social Media sales? In-person leads to cold-calls? The closer you can get to a true apples-to-apples comparison, the better your data will speak to the success of your new effort.


Parceling-out and totalling expenses for a new effort might feel like untangling a toddler’s hair after a fight with her bubblegum, but it’s important. It’s easy to over-sell your success and turn your back while all your profits go down the expense drain. Here are some things to consider:

  1. Your time
  2. Freight/shipping
  3. Your time
  4. Creative expenses
  5. Printing
  6. Your time
  7. Materials/supplies
  8. Paid resources
  9. Your admin’s time
  10. Your bestie’s proofreading time
  11. Trainings/Instructives

See a theme here? 😉 If you are not accounting for your time (and everyone else involved), you are not being honest about the cost of the effort. And it’s critical to include every expense, even that new piece of office equipment that you can use again or that ream of glossy cardstock that you only partly used. 

So, to truly be intentional with your Marketing efforts, you must first make a solid analysis of your current efforts. Then, use those metrics as a guide to estimate the potential success of your new effort. If you do not see a clear path to healthy, new revenue, turn the car around and start again. While there are occasional reasons to move forward with a campaign with little or no promise of return (visibility, brand awareness/loyalty, philanthropy, etc), you should still have in mind your expected margin increase (or loss).

Look for Part 2 next month for more on Intentional Marketing.

How-To: Staycation

Sounds silly, right? Who doesn’t know how to have a vacation where all you have to do is…stay home?

None of the planning, packing, scheduling, reserving, or Yelping. No pre-cation dieting, Instagram-worthy outfits, or budget-busting supply lists.

Just…stay home. Right?

Doesn’t sound like much of a vacation. For me, vacation means a few simple, but critical things:

  • A clean, comfortable space that’s somehow better than the place where I spend every other day
  • Activities that are so far removed from my norm that I actually forget about said norm for a while
  • Amazing food

Here’s how to get there, without ever going anywhere.

Start with a budget

A budget? For what?!

You want to make this time special – especially if you have children at home. This isn’t just another week of Netflix and cereal for dinner. Just like with any vacation, you will want special meals, activities, and experiences that will create connections and memories. Order an inflatable pool, a new puzzle, games, or movies, or splurge on a new streaming service and a projector for outdoor or bedroom movies. 

You will also want to plan for special meals, whether you spend a day cooking something special or venture out for high-end takeout. 

It’s all in the prep-list

  1. If you’re like me, cleanliness is critical to relaxation. Do yourself the favor and spring-clean before you “leave.” 

  2. SNACKS. Life is not fun without snacks; give them the attention they deserve. Prep some healthy (or not) snacks and quick meals so you can pop down to the lobby-restaurant any time without a ton of work.

  3. Get away from the routine – even in a small space, you can carve out some new scenery. Make plans to eat dinner in the bedroom, shower in a different bathroom, or have breakfast on the balcony. 

Nothing ruins a vacation like work. This isn’t the time to get ahead on a big project or clean out your inbox There is nothing about email, negotiations, or reporting that says, “recreation and relaxation.” 

Tie up your business TIGHT before you “leave”

Meet with your Marketing team to:

  • Schedule all posts and launches during your time away
  • Review any tasks that cannot be put on auto-pilot
  • Project-out those tasks that will need to be completed upon your return and get them on the calendar
  • Designate a point of escalation (NOT YOU)
  • Level-set boundaries and expectations
  • Reach out to customers and clients with your coverage plan


There’s nothing easy about tricking your brain into vacation mode when you have nothing new in your visual space. Beware of some of these biggest trouble-makers:

Boredem – Hello, old friend. Now, truth be told, boredom is usually my tippy-toppest goal for any vacation. But when you are stuck at home, it can be lethal. 

Work – If your aim is to complete some major projects around the house, be intentional and honest with yourself. Schedule them and stick to it. Otherwise, don’t allow yourself to work – whether it’s the paid kind or not. 

Quitting early – Respect your time and need for a break. If you don’t, no one else will. Squeeze out every moment you can before you have to be a responsible adult again.

Self pity – This one might be my biggest trap. I have to avoid my feed, especially in the middle of beach season. Start or end (or both) every day by reviewing all the good in your life and beauty in your space. If you have kids, turn this into a craft so they have a tangible reminder to lean on when self pity starts to creep in. If you don’t, make yourself a list!

Too much screen time – staring at a screen can be a needed break from reality, but it can also make time pass by so quickly that you miss the whole trip. Kids and adults both need time (outside if possible) to stretch their brains and fill their lungs.

Promote the local economy

Did you know you can actually Yelp or post about your favorite restaurants, shops, and attractions in your own town?


Seriously, this is the time to build up your community and local small business, just like you would on vacation. Try some new places or new dishes at your favorite spots and post about them. Give them some Google stars, a shout-out on Instagram, or like them on Facebook – just like the organic, word-of-mouth exposure you crave for your business.

Drive over to the other side of town and see what’s over there. And then share what you find. 

Don’t just skip the vacation this year.

No matter what your year has looked like, you need a break. We all do.

Stop Wasting funds on SEO without knowing these 5 tips.

Many business owners and new start-ups really believe they know the true meaning of “SEO.” But quality SEO requires a solid investment of time, research, financial resources, and (sometimes) a big buy-in to see real results.

Photo by Fancycrave on Unsplash

What many do not understand, is the long term results that great SEO can drive into your business and marketing strategy.

Even the best-intended, most perfectly-executed campaigns can get derailed or just don’t work out as we planned. Many organizations waste costly financial resources in this area. SEO is clearly important for today’s business, but it is not essential and not worth the allocation of budget, unless you are willing to do this one SIMPLE thing:


Many organizations or companies should prioritize their business vision and strategies in order for them to ma,ke the wise decisions to make it through. The economics of the area or the product fluctuates according to many factors. There as business owners, they should plan for the worst hoping for the best… but always with a strategy in place!

1. Define Clear Goals.

Clear and defined goals help everyone in an organization or corporation perform at their very best. The peak of perfection hits when all contributors are working on the same page, at the same moment.

The reality is that not every SEO professional and business owner is using the same set of metrics and blueprints. Some start slowly down one strategical path, while others jump head-first in the opposite direction.

The relationships among the content team should foster clarity, proactivity, and consistency. There can be no one-way streets. As the founder of ASTA, I have learned quite well the cadence and fluidity necessary between small business owners and the agency.

Some business owners lack the knowledge or the patience to see content creation as a business transaction – one that requires a lot of education and mutual support from each partner. ASTA is an expert, but that expertise comes along with years of experience, a commitment to communication, a clear vision with each business, and most importantly, good interpersonal relationships with all business owners.

2. Define Roles.

Collaborating efficiently can be one of the biggest challenges to moving your SEO efforts forward effectively. Roles should be clearly defined in order to get the most out of every strategy meeting and goal.

Photo by You X Ventures on Unsplash

Incorrectly or loosely defined roles, where pertains to copy writing, SEO strategy, web updates, social media management, and project management can result in detrimental financial losses for business or nonprofit owners.

It’s important to know who will be responsible for each piece of the puzzle, what each step entails, and the full scope of work for the campaign or business. If you choose a company like ASTA, great! Most likely you will meet the team first, then have strategic meetings and reviews every quarter in order to establish subsequent deadlines, review scope of work and strategy, and deep dive into metrics – aka results! And with everyone on the same page!

3. Work with a plan.

Smart business owners must take the time to develop a plan to ensure open lines of communications, strategic analysis and pivoting, and timely receipt and review of reporting to stay on top of what’s working and what’s not.

ASTA Business

As a business owner, great focus should be devoted to building a workable plan with concise but thorough details for action: the strategy. SEO strategies and processes change constantly. The goal is to get a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) out the door and get to the business of monitoring the impact on metrics.

Once you are armed with data, you can move forward. Being able to show the impact to KPI can help you get the buy-in for the resources you need.

Developing an agile SEO strategy will involve incremental iteration and the breaking down of complex and overachieving projects into small, frequent changes. This will enable you to properly measure continual progress.

This approach will result in better results and increased authority. Again, your plan must have the space and flexibility to constantly change according to what is working at the moment. For this reason, it is critical for your development team and business owner to be on the same page at all times.


Content – for websites, social media, or even for your marketing e-blasts – is a crucial part of the successful strategy puzzle. Content is the fuel for your SEO engine!

Many businesses struggle to run SEO projects for their clients where there is no defined resource for content or where the resource is defined, but the requests for content are not processed in a timely manner.

Business owners should be aware of the challenges and workarounds. It is easy to jump into an SEO agreement or spend time on campaigns that end up in overwork, double-work, or lost work, in the name of hitting marketing goals.

No one wants to spend $15,000 on a dead-end SEO project – say, a website or social media management project that ends up costing $25,000 to recoop.

Clarify the costs upfront, budget for them, and decide where your priorities lie. Not all decisions should be based on ranking or website design. There are many other ways to achieve your marketing goals!

5. Practice updated strategies and tactics.

Don’t feel compelled to “do SEO”. That typically leads to forced tactics and often actions that are misguided or no longer impactful.

If a company tries to sell you outdated or spam-like tactics as “strategy,” take a moment to look around, do your research, and align your current best practices to what your business or product needs.

Time, energy, and financial resources can be lost in no time by focusing on narrow or outdated SEO practices.

SEO has gone through extensive evolutionary changes over the years, and continues to do so every day.

While most traditional marketing tactics (for the most part) still hold true in digital marketing today, SEO changes have quite drastically changed the landscape.

Webmasters and “marketers” continue to misunderstand the role of keywords in general SEO initiatives. Some of these outdated practices are:

  • Metadata that is not properly aligned with the keywords represented, or the proper intent of the users conducting the searches for the high-volume keywords being targeted.
  • Google no longer relies on keyword density.
  • Writing for a specific “keyword density,” like many keyword-focused marketing tactics, is just missing the mark.
  • Loading up web-pages with keywords — especially the same high-value keyword we are aggressively targeting throughout the website — is going to help us show up higher in search, thus outranking our competition? No!
  • Write for humans, not search engine crawlers or any other robot. Search engines are advanced enough to understand repeated keywords, their variations, and the unfavorable experience of generally bad content.

SEO entails a lot of work, research, and resources that an established company should be investing in already. That doesn’t mean every start-up should set aside other priorities to focus resources here. But if you do, always look for professionals who can bring you knowledge, resources, and and a broad overview of current practices and strategies to help you determine the best way for you to get the most out of your budget.

If you need more information, write us below. We would love to hear your thoughts!

For more on…


Diana C Ariza

Entrepreneur & Startups | Social Media |Non-Profit| Mom | Disabilities Advocate | Emprendedora | Nurse |

Nose Dive Aromas confió en nuestro trabajo y ahora junto a Unlocked Coffee Roasters

Imagina, un café acompañado del delicioso aroma de una vela en la mesa.

Como lo que acabas de imaginar en una armónica combinación, así de efectivas son nuestras estrategias de mercadeo en ASTA.

El trabajo en equipo coordina grandes cosas que llevan al éxito y nuestro nuevo cliente Nose Dive Aromas confió en nuestro trabajo y ahora junto a Unlocked Coffee Roasters coordinamos para promover estos dos productos en el mercado.

Sí….estos dos empresarios ahora van de la mano para mejorar sus ventas y ASTA está detrás de todo esto.

No solo el manejo en las Redes Sociales, como Facebook e Instagram, nos caracterizan; también hacer contacto estratégico con negocios que pueden impulsar el tuyo.

La comunidad que confía en ASTA confía también porque ve resultados, tanto a nivel local como internacional. Aunque es claro que hay negocios que por diferentes motivos deben o quieren permanecer locales pero a nivel internacional el apoyo y la rapidez con la que se generan lazos de negocios son importantes y efectivos.

Visita la tienda Unlocked Coffee Roasters fundado por una pareja Colombiana en la ciudad de Greenville en Carolina del Sur!

Como lo describen ellos en Ingles en su pagina web: Unlocked Coffee Roasters es un Start up en Greenville, SC-basado en el proceso de hacer el cafe, y tener un Coffee Shop; enfocado en una alta gama de Cafe especializado donde muestre su lugar de origen.

Producen y distribuyen el cafe Localmente y Nacionalmente, en tiendas (retail) y al por mayor.

El proceso del cafe tostado!

Nacio en el 2018, por Carlos Camargo como CEO y su esposa Rocio Salazar como Co-Owner y Directora de Marketing , nacidos en Colombia, Pais conocido como uno de los mejores importadores y exportadores de Cafe en el mundo!

Inscribete a sus especiales con envios a todo USA



We use a proprietary blend of coconut apricot and highly refined food grade paraffin wax. Our wax is 100% natural, and was designed to burn slow, and clean.

Utilizamos una mezcla patentada de albaricoque de coco y cera de parafina de grado alimentario altamente refinada. Nuestra cera es 100% natural, y fue diseñada para quemarse lentamente, y limpiamente.

Get 20% off your first purchase and be the first to hear about discounts, new products, events and more!

Consigue un 20% de descuento en tu primera compra y sé el primero en enterarte de los descuentos, nuevos productos, eventos y mucho más.

ASTA y la comunidad Hispana en USA

La comunidad que confía en ASTA es fiel porque ve resultados, tanto a nivel local como internacional.

Aunque es claro que hay negocios que por diferentes motivos deben o quieren permanecer locales; muchos Logran ser exitosos ya que a nivel internacional el apoyo y la rapidez con la que se generan lazos de negocios son importantes y efectivos.

Nuestros servicios de Marketing Digital en conjunto a relaciones interpersonales son las que hacen la diferencia. Somos una Agencia Digital de Full-Service (servicios completos de publicidad y Relaciones Públicas).

En la situación actual donde muchos lugares tienen cuarentenas y restricciones para sus negocios, ASTA ha podido apoyar diferentes personas en sus proyectos para lanzarlos a las plataformas digitales; haciéndolos más competitivos, permitiendo una cercanía mayor con sus clientes y una presencia más frecuente que fortalece sus miras a crecer.

Es de resaltar por ejemplo la estrategia de redes y marketing para C.U.P. que desarrollamos en mayo. Como resultado generamos contenido, recáudamos fondos y enviaron más de 10,000 tapabocas y equipo de protección (PPE) a los hospitales de Michigan en USA y ahora tenemos a un cliente con perspectiva diferente a la publicidad usual que creían que funcionaba.

10,000 tapabocas y equipo de protección (PPE) a los hospitales de Michigan en USA

COVID19 nos ha enseñado que versatilidad y las buenas relaciones son las que nos ayudan a generar mejores ingresos, rentabilidad, estrategia digital y por supuesto un contenido sólido que se logra monetizar.

Estrategia de redes sociales y marketing para C.U.P.

Bueno, y ¿qué sería de este mundo si solo pensamos en hacer dinero?

ASTA y la comunidad local tienen claro que hay cosas que deben ir de la mano con nuestros negocios. Lo principal es el de apoyar a nuestro alrededor o hacer reconocimiento del trabajo comunitario, como a los héroes del momento.

En el sur de Miami quisimos endulzarles el día a los enfermeros y doctores del Hospital de South Miami Hospital en la zona South Miami. Esta alianza nos permitió enviarles d forma rápida – los doctores quienes recibieron 16 deliciosos helados de Dolci Peccatti, una alianza estratégica para darles con un pequeño detalle de agradecimiento por sus esfuerzos y trabajo con esta pandemia.

También les enviamos más de 40 chapsticks a los enfermeros y doctores del departamento de Emergencias, ya que los tapabocas les generaban reséquedad. Entren tantas ocupaciones y horas largas, estas personas claves en nuestra comunidad, nos enviaron fotos y agradecimientos porque en los pequeños detalles es que realmente se conocen las personas que con autenticidad actúan hacia el ser humano.

No es solo la transacción o la estrategia, o el negocio que alguien nos genere…. es la relación Inter-personal y en lo que podamos apoyar ya sea en la comunidad, una empresa, un negocio o un proyecto!

Spotlight” Business : Bill Fitzpatrick & Preservation SC

With an MBA from USC, 15 years with AT&T, and a tech background, Bill Fitzpatrick might not seem like the kind of guy who would dedicate years of his life to the preservation of small-town religious sites in South Carolina…but he is. And thank goodness!

When given the opportunity to take a few years away from the business world, Bill began a journey of exploration and research that quickly ignited a passion for history, travel, photography, and literature that had been growing since his childhood. This wasn’t his first tour – he once rode his bike across the country with a friend “just for the heck of it” and had already published several books and columns on travel and small-town America.

Having lived in Charleston, Columbia, and now Greenville, South Carolina, Bill admits that he “never much thought of the history or people that are in places like Abbeville, Cheraw, or Daufuskie.” But as he traveled, he realized that “too many of these places that were once the center of every community and so much of our history are now at risk,” without any support from the government and very limited economic support from mainstream religious denominations.

What began as a hobby – visiting, photographing, and learning about forgotten historic landmarks – turned into a dozen stories for the National Trust for Historic Preservation and a 264-page coffee table book. People were so enamored with his “scrapbook” that he was soon looking for avenues to share his work. That’s when he found Mike Bedenbaugh and Preservation SC. A newly-created Sacred Spaces Fund and 1,000 copies later, Bill’s book South Carolina’s Sacred Spaces is now in its second printing! Proceeds from the book are already helping save these precious sites, like the major steeple renovation happening now at Trinity of Abbeville. The communities and congregations who love these spaces are forever grateful to Bill and his work with Preservation SC. And so are we.

“Bill has given us a sacred book and one for the ages.”

-Tom Poland, Author, recipient of the 2018 “Order of the Palmetto”

“What Bill Fitzpatrick and Mike Bedenbaugh and Preservation South Carolina are trying to do in the 21st century is help to preserve the texture and the spirit of rural South Carolina. Whether it’s the Lower Long Cane Presbyterian Church or Trinity Episcopal Church in Abbeville, these buildings reflect generations of communities; communities which are beginning to disappear…”

-Dr. Walter Edgar, “Walter Edgar’s Journal”